European and American economic sanctions Russia make ¨ KING¨!

According to reports, US President Joe Biden and the European Commission Chairman Urrus Vindelaien announced on Saturday, February 26th, issued the Russian bank to exclude the Swift financial mechanism and freeze the International Assets of the Central Bank of Russia. This sanctions program received German Prime Minister, President of France, the support of Prime Minister Italy, and Canada and the United Kingdom also agreed. Spain said on Sunday, is willing to exclude Russia outside the Swift International Banking System. The EU and the United States will take action within the next few hours.

SWIFT is a highly secure network to connect to most financial institutions in the world, connecting more than 11,000 financial institutions worldwide, and is currently the leading system of the world’s financial system, so the Russian bank will not be able to exchange funds and remit. The country. There is no doubt that this measure will cause hits to local companies and their exports. Russia is the second country that is excluded from the system. The last object of sanction is Iran, and the US President DonaldTron said that the initiative is “the highest sanctions implemented in a country.” “.

In addition to excluding the designated bank in the Swift financial system, Europe and the United States have added sanctions against the Russian Central Bank International Reserve, and the Russian Central Bank has a gold and monetary reserves of 570 billion euros, specializing in the “War Fund” of Russia. In addition, the EU will prohibit Russia from carrying out business in Western markets, and suspend Russia’s investors to get the same amount of overseas investment.

As early as Europe, the Russian government has made severe responses to this possible sanctions, and Russia will stop using all oil, natural gas and metals to Europe. Europe and America will also be influenced by Russia when issuing more sanctions, and the World Bank system will also face the issue of resource imports in resources such as natural gas.

The Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rut oppressed the programs of these economic sanctions, saying that this damage to the EU is more harmful to Russia. The European Commission announced that it will take a package to reduce the negative impact of sanctions in Russia’s economy in the EU economy. Russia said that the Russian Bank has the necessary resources and tools to maintain financial stability and ensure the operation of the financial sector, and Russia is expelled from the SWIFT financial mechanism that does not affect the funds within the Russian central bank.

Post time: Mar-01-2022