European companies digital channel resistance and long! 83% of companies have increased budgets in digital!

According to the latest survey, at least 83% of European B2B companies increased to 20% of digital budgets, 41% of corporate digitalization is important for expanding and excavating new income sources. Although most companies realize the importance of digital and e-commerce, in the implementation of online sales channels in the B2B field, only 10% of manufacturers’ revenue comes from online sales; most of the income of B2B companies From direct sales (54%) and distributors (26%); only 8% of companies use e-commerce platforms, while 2% of companies rely on digitalization.

Digitally encountered the largest difficulties in the B2B corporate field is that 34% of the B2B department leaders do not support implementing e-commerce solutions because they don’t understand the value created by digitization. In addition to lack of management support, other challenges that hinder enterprises to implement e-commerce solutions are the lack of conflict in different sales channels (30%) and regional market knowledge (38%).

Post time: Apr-12-2022