New uses for Amazon AI? Efficient inspection of goods quality!

According to reports, Amazon’s artificial intelligence technology is being put into a new application scenario, Amazon’s AI is able to detect whether the product is damaged before it is delivered to the consumer. According to the Wall Street Journal, Amazon said that less than one in 1,000 items was damaged, and that unless customers buy more than three items per day on the site, they are unlikely to experience damage. However, Amazon ships around 8 billion units per year, which means that even if the probability is only 1 in 1,000, the total number of damaged items is not low.

The technology, which is already in use in two warehouses and will be rolled out to 10 more in the U.S. and Europe, works by scanning products placed in outgoing bins to check for any wear and tear. If a product is determined to be potentially damaged, it will be manually inspected by an Amazon staff member, who will then make a final decision, choosing to ship or move to the inventory of the damaged item. Amazon says its AI is three times more likely to spot damaged items than employees.

Post time: Jun-06-2023