The dream of “retirement” is crushing, and the employment population over the age of 65 in the UK breaks a record

At the beginning of September, a McDonald’s elderly employee recruitment advertisement on the Internet hung on the Internet has caused heated discussions. Many McDonald’s restaurants in Beijing said in an interview with reporters that they are willing to recruit retirees who are healthy. 17.8 yuan/hour. Coincidentally, according to the Financial Times, McDonald’s is also actively recruiting elderly employees in the United Kingdom, which is separated from China, and the specific hourly Financial Times did not report. According to the relevant data provided by the job search engine Glassdoor, McDonald’s part -time salary is 9 pounds/h.

Although China and Britain are separated by thousands of miles, the same trend has shown the issue of re -employment of the elderly. Among them, the employment market in the British elderly people is particularly hot.

The National Bureau of Statistics of the UK said on Monday that with the increase in part -time jobs, the number of employment over 65 years old in the UK reached nearly 1.5 million in the second quarter of 2022, a record high. In the second quarter, 1468,000 people over 65 years of age were working, an increase of 174,000 compared with the previous quarter, and the employment rate of population over 65 years old reached 11.9%. In contrast, the employment rate of urban population over 65 years of age is only 4%(data source: China ’s middle -aged and elderly employment and entrepreneurship report in 2020). Data pointed out that the health and social health department is the largest employer of British workers over 65 years old. The largest quarterly increase in the hotel and leisure industry and education industry.

The Financial Times pointed out that there are two reasons for the improvement of the employment rate of population over 65 years of age. First, the new crown epidemic has led to a large number of elderly population temporarily withdrawn from the employment market due to health problems. As the epidemic slows down, the elderly are returning to the employment market. The decline has reduced the income of the elderly’s investment in wealth management, which has caused the personal financial status of the elderly group to deteriorate and needs to return to work. On the other hand, the shortage of labor has also led many companies to expand the recruitment objects and adopt a more flexible work policy.

In the severe economic situation in the UK, the elderly’s re -employment is a last resort. Everyone wants to “retire and lie down”, but now it is a top priority to solve the personal fiscal crisis.

Post time: Sep-14-2022