The EU may soon ban Apple charging cables!

According to reports, as part of the European Union’s draft law, the Type C interface will be announced as the official standard of smartphone charging cables, and it will also be applicable to other devices such as tablet computers, cameras, headphones, or gaming machines. The Type C interface has been widely used in the European market and is used by smartphone manufacturers such as Samsung and Xiaomi. However, Apple mobile phones are the exception. This American technology giant has always relying on its own Lightning standard to charge its own equipment. However, this phenomenon may be changed in just a few months: Type C is expected to become the above standards in mid -2024. The European Commission proposed the draft instructions as early as September last year. This week, the internal market committee of the European Parliament approved the common position of the law.

At present, these plans have not been completely determined, and most of the 43 members believe that the current draft law should be tightened: the standard should also be extended to laptop computers, printers, and digital radios. Even small technology products such as smart watches or fitness trackers should use the Type-C interface.

After the bill takes effect, as a transition, the enterprise has been adjusted to compulsory standards for two years. Based on this, only smartphones and other electronic devices that meet the standards of Type-C standards can be sold in the European Union. For Apple, the cost of producing two versions of mobile phones is too high: European Type-C sockets and Lightning interfaces in other parts of the world. Therefore, the EU’s instructions may mean the end of the Apple Lighting standard. Apple has expressed concern about the committee’s plan: According to Apple, a new and clear standard will hinder the innovation of the industry and will not promote innovation.

Post time: Apr-24-2022