Amazon service ecosystem inventory: Sellers need this most!

It is reported that Amazon, as one of the world’s largest e-commerce platforms, provides a sales platform for sellers. In order to sell successfully on Amazon, sellers also need various software tools to help with product research, pricing, inventory forecasting, advertising management, accounting and other business areas. Currently, there are a hundred different software tools that play a role in Amazon sales. While Amazon’s own seller Center provides the basic functionality, most sellers typically choose to use other tools to enhance or replace it. These tools play a vital role in a seller’s business, and few businesses use a single tool, instead using a range of software to address different business needs.

One of the most important categories is Amazon advertising. Not only does Amazon Advertising have the largest number of companies, but those companies tend to be well-capitalized, each with hundreds of employees. Amazon advertising has grown rapidly over the past five years and is now a $40 billion industry, up from $5 billion five years ago. In addition to AD management tools, there are companies that have built on artificial intelligence (AI) and generative AI technologies to automate creative tasks, and advances in underlying technology have enabled them to break the monopoly of existing tools and offer alternatives with automated capabilities. Other advanced tools focus on competitive intelligence and market share analysis.

Post time: May-24-2023