Legal compliance! Spanish regulators issued a reminder notice to Alibaba Cloud!

According to Spanish media reports, the National Market and Competition Commission (CNMC) of Spain issued a reminder notice to Alibaba Cloud, a subsidiary of China e-commerce company Alibaba, reminding it of its obligation to inform the registration authority about the content distribution network and accelerated cloud service (Alibaba Cloud Global Acceleration) provided by the company in Spain. This notice is a request for Alibaba Cloud to start its business in Spain, which involves an inquiry made on September 6, 2022.

Alibaba Cloud plans to build a data center in Spain, and deploy its software services on servers located in Spain, so as to obtain better Internet connection. Although these services are aimed at Spanish companies, they are managed through the parent company in the Netherlands. Spain’s National Market and Competition Committee believes that if Alibaba’s Dutch parent company has customers in Spain, it must notify the Spanish management agency in advance to indicate its business activities. This is to ensure transparency and compliance, so that regulators can understand and supervise these services.

Spain’s National Market and Competition Commission (CNMC) reserves the right to impose sanctions if Alibaba fails to communicate formally according to the notification requirements or fails to meet the relevant registration obligations. This may include imposing fines on companies or taking other measures to ensure compliance with regulations. The National Market and Competition Commission (CNMC) of Spain has taken similar actions against Amazon and Microsoft, because they failed to comply with relevant requirements, failed to register as required, or failed to meet the requirements of regulatory agencies, and were fined.

This report is about Alibaba Cloud expanding its business in Spain. The Spanish market regulator requires Alibaba and its subsidiaries to abide by relevant laws and regulations and registration obligations to ensure the legality and compliance of its business in Spain.

Post time: Oct-13-2023