Oil prices soared clean energy favored! Amazon Heavy electric car is put into use in Europe!

According to reports, recently Amazon introduced five full-electric heavy-duty trucks for its British transport fleet, which will be Amazon’s first heavy-duty freight electric car to Britain and Europe, which is currently located in Tilbury and Milton. Cairns’s distribution center is put into use. These five heavy electric vehicles replaced diesel HGV, with a daily mileage of 100,000 miles, using renewable electricity instead of diesel, reducing emissions of 170 tons of carbon dioxide.

Amazon said that the company is one of the earliest companies in the world to take electric heavy trucks, Amazon is committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2040. In 2020, Amazon ordered an electric truck from the United States Lion Electric and started testing a hydrogen power truck. Amazon also improved the way to transport the parcel to the customer’s home. In 2021, Amazon passed more sustainable transportation in the UK through electric trucks or freight bicycles, transported more than 45 million parcels in the UK.

Post time: Mar-29-2022