The situation is turbulent EU company’s bankruptcy or 23%! EU relaxes national assistance rules!

According to Reuters, experts say that the impact of Russian War will weaken global trade, but it will mainly affect European companies. Insurance company Euler Hermes expects more enterprise bankruptcy if the EU does not take measures to intervene, European companies will reach 23%.

To address this situation, the European Commission relaxed national aid rules to provide guarantees, energy cost subsidies and loans to causing troubled companies. The relaxation of national aid will continue until the end of this year, the EU will provide up to 400,000 euros for affected companies: in agriculture, fishing industry and fishing industry, the EU can provide company with 35,000 euros support; due to energy The price soaring and the heavy company will receive a cost reimbursement of up to 30%, which is 2 million euros.

Post time: Mar-25-2022